Old Souls

You have been here before
Known your way, above and below
Known for instance the difference
Between living and existing
With an ancient sight you perceived
Those indiscernible to the naked eyes
And this world has no feelings
Your ancient heart has not absorbed
The pain and hope and sheer ecstasy
Of many lifetimes create in you
A barren landscape of lassitude
Wearing you down day by day
Until you move on to another life

29 thoughts on “Old Souls

  1. This is beautiful and vivid. Very well penned.
    Our favourite lines:
    “With an ancient sight you perceived
    Those indiscernible to the naked eyes
    And this world has no feelings
    Your ancient heart has not absorbed”
    P.S. – Thanks for stopping by our blog! 😀


  2. Very well written. I am someone who believes in just this one life. The last couple of lines are inspiring. To change our circumstances, we need to change ourselves- mind, body and soul. Keep writing :0


    1. There was a time when I think that oblivion is our end. But it can be depressing. But you are right. Change must start within ourselves – mind, body and soul. Thank your for your warm words. Have a great weekend! 🙂

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      1. Well for me, if we know we have a next life, it gives us a certainty in some ways, that we will be coming back in the same world, back in the cycle of life and death, emotions and expectations. What appeals to me is the unknown, like what if we become Titans after we die and wage wars or turn into some comet! (I know it sounds crazy, but that is the point of uncertainty, it is so full of possibilities!) You too have a great weekend. It is good to make your acquaintance. 🙂


      2. Cycle of life and death. I have this crazy suspicion that this is what existence is all about. Haha. It made me smile. I’d like to be a comet myself. But a Titan is interesting too. I think, that’s what keep us going. The uncertainty and the unknown. Can you imagine what becomes of the world if we all know what the future holds? Same here. 🙂

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