Knowledge: Blessing Or Burden?

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From the brilliant mind of Salman Rushdie:

Knowledge is both a delight and an explosive minefield; both a liberation and a trap.

This quote from Luka and the Fire of Life invites a little pondering. It resonates with me so much  because I do see knowledge in exactly the same way – both a burden and a blessing.

How about you? How do you see knowledge? Tell me your thoughts.

45 thoughts on “Knowledge: Blessing Or Burden?

  1. Totally opposed to that. I’d love to know any example where knowledge (of anything) feels like a trap, burden or all those negative vibes that you described. It might very well be an excuse of an ignorant but never for a knowledge-seeker.


      1. Something one can’t describe and tries to haze its meaning instead, is actually what keeps them from tasting the frruits of knowing. Knowledge gives you freesom. Ignorance keeps you in dark, chained.

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      2. Nope. Still you used the word “Most of them” which implies the same where you stand that some form of knowledge is still wrong. And I stand for every form of knowledge being awesome, great and far better than the best shape or form of ignorance.

        Just playing with you Mitch 🙂 I do like seeing your intellectual journey though. Stay blessed.


      3. I wish I could get someone beautiful, intelligent and a true seeker of knowledge like yourself. But ha! None of these stupid gold-diggers let me out! Let me out… Let me out! 🙂 Help me Mitch!!!

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      4. You can pretend to be my wife that I have been hiding from all these gold-diggers and Voila… they will vanish more quickly than those horns from a donkey.


      5. Really…? Thats actually good. Fake people presuming everyone else is more fake than themselves. Ha ha ha 🙂


      6. Actually just got out of the bed, did not have my coffee yet and with this beautiful sunny Sunday morning’s first rays of sun, I am enjoying with your words 🙂

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      7. That’s lovely. Sundays are meant to be savoured. But have coffee already! I can’t really function without caffeine in my system at the start of the day.

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      8. Btw, have you ever sipped coffee together with the love of your life under Florida’s sunny morning? Gosh! I am getting melancholic here by remembering her… Am I or not?


      9. What happened to the love of your life? I haven’t been to Florida and the love of my life has yet to show up in real life. But coffee on a sunny morning is hard to beat.

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      10. Oh well… I went overseas for something and she cheated on me. And had balls to tell me after 6 weeks, sort of asking me to let her go with the new dick. (Fuck these crocodile tears Amir is having while sipping cup of coffee… ha)


      11. Yep and she said the same thing admitting that it will be devastating for her too if I did that to her. Anyways, knowledge of something still does not stop someone from doing cruel and evil thing. Somehow, you are right 🙂

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      12. Aye. Some people cannot help being human. But maybe it all turns out for the better. Maybe it is the universe telling you that you are meant for other things and other people. 🙂

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      13. Oh well… when the fuck is this journey going to end? Its been already 177 people and 12 countries (in 3 continents). Now, the coffee has started to work… Mmmm 🙂

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      14. Oh God… this is already becoming an idea of my new post on blog. She stalks me there and I hope you and I can make her jealous a bit by posting these comments… lols 🙂


      15. Haha. I hope it won’t come to that though. You can always choose to be the better person by not letting her get to you. I don’t think it will help to make her jealous or something. But that’s just me.

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      16. Yep… I’m a bit devilish in that than your angel train of thought. I love to hurt back, especially when its these hideous cheaters. Anyways, don’t worry. I won’t mention your name in my post, I promise. I just need your permission to let me post these comments on my blog (Amir pleads while being on his knees to Mitch).


      17. Pls. feel free to delete these off-topic comments of mine though. I won’t mind… (Amir says so, sipping his cup of sweet coffee)


  2. Like Solomon said, all his wisdom brought him more sorrow, I understand why – the more he got to know and the nation around him did not understand. It’s like you find revelations and amazing mind blowing truth, but when you try to enlighten your fellow neighbours it’s like trying to explain a mathematical problem to a grade 1 pupil. Having that knowledge which can change the world but men around you are so blind. They can not see it. So it’s good but exhausting especially when you have to explain in the simplest terms and they still don’t get it. So it’s good and bad…

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    1. This reminds me of one of Dostoyevsky’s characters. It is indeed common for those who understand more to be burdened by their knowledge and are often made to feel isolated from the rest. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. 🙂


  3. I definitely see it as a burden sometimes. It’s like the more you know, the more you realize you don’t know. Also, sometimes I feel as if I know too many philosophies of life, and that causes me to overthink which way to go lol

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    1. I cannot agree more, Kaye! It’s frustrating, isn’t it? To know that your knowledge is not enough after all, that knowing only leads to pondering and frustration because you wanted to know more. Haha. Overthinking is a vice we have to live with. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂

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  4. Not only knowledge…
    I think every single thing in the world is a blessing and a burden.
    I have a quote for knowledge – “The more you find, the more you lost.”…
    It depends that how we use it and how MUCH we use it…..
    The Perfect alternative example is of Honey.
    Honey is a blessing for many diseases and a lot of health problems. But It’s a curse If you Stuff it. 😁😁…..
    Interesting question by the way..

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    1. I love that quote, reminds me of a poem from Raymond Carver. But you are right. We alone can control how we deal with them, be it knowledge or power.

      Thank you for dropping by and sharing your thoughts. 🙂

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