A Brief Interlude


A Brief Interlude

Listen. Do you hear the warble of meadow larks?
The sweet gush of spring nearby? Retrace your steps,
Go down the road of your youth.
Look around and locate the rock where you used to sit.
Stare at the blanket of sky. Recall how its vivid blue
drowned out the sorrow of your first heartbreak.
How distant all those years have been now.
How foolish to shed tears over a boy who never
looked at you the way your mother’s loyal dog ever did,
with unreserved devotion, as if your presence alone was enough.
The bark of joy when you stepped in the doorway, the rush of welcome.
Him planting his two front paws on your shoulder.
You crouching down and letting him rain kisses all over your face.
He is lying beneath this very rock now, silent and still.
But how odd to feel his wet tongue on your chin,
and if you reach out you can almost feel his soft fur under your hand.
Good dog, faithful dog, you’ll think with a sudden flood of affection.
The only thing you’ll ever love with a fierceness
you can’t even begin to describe with words.


Image credit: Pexels

17 thoughts on “A Brief Interlude

    1. Aren’t they just that? The best thing about them is indeed the unconditional love that they exhibit. No pretensions at all. Thanks for dropping by, Josh. Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

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  1. If this is autobiography, it looks like you should probably be investing in a puppy 🙂

    I miss the old golden retriever I had as a kid. What a horrible owner I was! The memory of intermittent low-level neglect still stings. Glad you have other memories.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is part-autobiography, yes. It’s inspired by my mother’s puppy back at home. He’s so exuberant and energetic that we can’t help but love him. But the love part is not true, of course. Haha.

      Aw, golden retrievers are so adorable. They have amazing temperament. Don’t be too hard on your self though. I’m sure you’ve learned and is so much better with your pets now. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Gregory. Wishing you a splendid weekend. 🙂


  2. Before we had our first own dog (whom we rescued from a village litter bin), I couldn’t have imagined how close the relationship can be between a person and a dog. It is a special kind of love, but – in contrast to love between two people – void of any fear to be cheated by the other.
    But what seems to be a perfidious act of God (in case he exists) is the short live time he has given to dogs.
    One could suspect that Gods intention is to demonstrate to everyone who has a beloved dog how tragic it is to lose a love one before time.

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    1. You perfectly captured what dogs are to most of us, Michael. It is also one thing I regret – that God did not give him longer life on earth. Maybe there’s such thing as a dog heaven? I always wished there was one when I was a kid, having witnessed several dogs taking their last breath and crying over them. I can’t remember a time that we don’t have dogs in our house, but each one that died just can’t be replaced.

      P.S. What kind was the first dog you got? I’ve been searching a lot about the native dog breeds in Eastern Europe and they are just fascinating. 🙂

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      1. Hello Mitch, maybe the current search in biological science to combat natural aging is also driven by the dream of an eternal love. A friend ones told me that when her old dog was dying in her hands she got the impression that the eyes of the dog wanted to say “I feel so sorry that I have to leave you now”, Our dog is a very colourful mixture of breads, very random, but this made her pretty healthy and intelligent. I think there are a lot of Spitz genes in her, sometimes she looks and behaves like a siberian husky or Japanese Akita. You can have a look here
        Best wishes, happy Sunday


  3. Hi Mitch, Here are some recommendations about dogs in popular culture:

    Mikhail Bulgakov “Heart of a Dog”: A satyrical and very philosophical novel (you will enjoy, I am sure, not least you have the scientific background)

    González Iñárritu’s “Amores Perros”: A fascinating movie, about human cruelity, crime and punishment (I guess you will watch it in original Spanish language)

    Lasse Halstroems “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale”: One of the very few movies that made me cry. With Richard Gere, and a dog that shows loyality beyond death.

    greetings, Michael

    Liked by 1 person

    1. These are wonderful suggestions, Michael. Thank you for taking the time to gather them for me. I’ve a copy of Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita but I’ve yet to buy The Heart of a Dog. Sometimes our local bookstores don’t stock them so they are hard to come by. The movie, Amores Perros sounds dark and intriguing. I’ll look for a copy. Hachi: A Dog’s Tale sounds heart-wrenching. I always dread watching sad movies about dogs because I’m sure they’ll make me weep. But I’d love to watch them both.

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      1. Well, there are of course also many funny dog stories. Life would be unbearable if we could only experience tragedies and losses.
        I like this one, showing very human aspects of a dogs psyche:

        Enjoy, and have fun,


  4. Was it really the dog, was it an old friend? I know who it was, but more than anything else in this existence is what it meant to us, the yearning to have those feelings and emotions back, that society has jack away from us.

    Yeah, I understand, no one let others take anything away from us, but that’s a lie. I know that feeling I wanted back, but I have come to realize that I must cross the threshold to find what I am looking for.


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